A thrilling world starting from Shibuya.


[Shibuya QWS held] Learn from the pioneers! What are the effects of workation on human resource retention and development, and what are the key points to success?


[Shibuya QWS held] Learn from the pioneers! What are the effects of workation on human resource retention and development, and what are the key points to success?

Recommended seminars for HR personnel, managers, etc.

Source: Peatix

[Shibuya QWS held] Learn from the pioneers! What are the effects of workation on human resource retention and development, and what are the key points to success?
We live in an age of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, ambiguity) where society is changing rapidly and the future is difficult to predict.

In this rapidly changing environment, it is important to develop "individuals" and "organizations" that draw out the strengths of employees and organizations in order to continue to flexibly respond to the changes of the times. Improving the engagement of each employee and having them act and contribute autonomously to the organization with a sense of attachment and passion are essential for corporate growth.

Workation, which is attracting attention as part of modern work style reform, is the perfect field to lead to growth for both individuals and organizations through "human resource retention and development" that improves employee engagement and draws out creative ideas.

On the other hand, there are probably many companies that are struggling to introduce workation, for example, because even though the system exists, they are not able to promote it well or they have not adequately established personnel regulations.

At this event, we will invite pioneers who have pioneered the adoption of workation systems and are working to introduce flexible working styles to take the stage. They will use case studies to delve deep into the effects and value of workation, as well as the key points for implementing the system.

This event will also include time for discussion and questions from the speakers. Why not join us in thinking about workation and the introduction of flexible working styles that draw out the potential of organizations and people through local experiences that are difficult to have within the company?

Ehime Prefecture and Pasona JOB HUB will listen to the management and personnel issues and needs of companies, match them with areas of Ehime Prefecture that have visions and aspirations, and propose special workation programs that are tailored to each company.
*More details will be provided at the event on the day.

【Event Summary】
Date and time|September 17th (Tuesday) 15:00 - 17:30
Location | SHIBUYA QWS
Cost | Free
Capacity: Limited to 40 companies
Application deadline: September 17th (Tue) 13:00

The number of participants per company is limited to two.
If you have two people participating, please apply separately for each person.

[Recommended for companies like this]
・Managers of urban companies
・Those who are working on or have an interest in promoting diverse work styles and work style reform
・Human resource managers who are interested in human resource training and development in the local area
・Companies interested in Ehime Prefecture

[Program Contents]
15:00 - 15:10 | Opening: Haruna Yamaguchi, Workcation Team Leader, Social Innovation Department, Pasona JOBHUB Inc.
15:10 - 15:20 | Icebreaker
15:20 - 15:30 | Keynote Speech 1 Speaker: Yoshimasa Higashihara, MaaS Group Manager, Business Development Department, Innovation Headquarters, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.
15:30 - 15:40 | Keynote Speech 2 Speaker: Yusuke Iwata, Director of Iwata Social Insurance and Labor Consultant Office
15:40 - 15:50 | Keynote Speech 3 <Speaker> Shingo Ono, General Manager, Global Human Resources Department, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
15:50 - 15:55 | Break
15:55 - 16:35 | Discussion time, Q&A
Participants will discuss the challenges facing their companies with each other and with the speakers.
16:35-16:50 | Introduction of Ehime-style workcation from Ehime Prefecture
16:50-17:00 | Ending
17:00-17:30 | Participant networking event (participation is optional)
*Please note that the content and schedule may change without notice.

[Speakers introduction]

Yoshimasa Higashihara, MaaS Group Manager, Business Development Department, Innovation Headquarters, Japan Airlines Co., Ltd.
Joined Japan Airlines Co., Ltd. in 2007. After working in airport operations and as a flight attendant, he has been in charge of human resources and recruitment for flight attendants since 2010. After a two-year secondment from the end of 2015, he joined the Human Resources Headquarters in December 2017, where he worked on labor issues such as regulation management and attendance management, and on work style reform, particularly the penetration of workcation, from system design to in-house penetration measures, and also led to regional revitalization efforts aimed at increasing the related population. He is also an advisor for the Japan Tourism Agency's "New Travel Style" promotion project and a certified workation concierge for the Japan Workation Association, and is expanding his activities to include efforts to spread workcation not only within the company but also throughout Japan, especially within companies. From April 2022, he will be in charge of the MaaS business at the Innovation Headquarters, focusing on solving regional transportation issues.

Yusuke Iwata, Director of Iwata Social Insurance and Labor Consultant Office
Workcation Social Insurance Labor Consultant®. Involved in launching a regional revitalization project for government agencies at Pasona. Joined Lifenet Insurance in 2016 and oversaw work style reforms such as teleworking, dual employment, and side jobs as the head of the human resources department before going independent.
In 2021, he became an advisor for the Japan Tourism Agency's "New Travel Style Promotion Project" and "Workcation Promotion Project." His books include "Illustrated Introduction to Labor (Discover 21)" and "50 Points on Labor for Venture and Startup Companies (Selva Publishing)."

Shingo Ono, General Manager, Global Human Resources Department, Mitsui Chemicals, Inc.
After working in overseas sales and marketing for ICT-related businesses and as a project manager at Mitsui Chemicals, he moved to HR. After working in union relations, recruitment, domestic and overseas M&A HR, and HRBP, he has been involved in human resources strategy, key talent management, succession planning, global HR system implementation, global policy promotion, HR transformation, etc. In April 2021, he was appointed head of the Global Human Resources Department and began working on strengthening HR functions at a global level, as well as the nomination and executive compensation system and corporate culture transformation.
He started a side business 16 years ago as an extracurricular activity, and is currently involved in corporate consulting, HR training, career development, seminars, panels, graduate school lectures, community management, etc. He is also a member of the METI ISO/TC Domestic Council and the METI CX Research Group.


Ryo Kato, Director of Social Innovation, Pasona JOB HUB Inc. and Head of JOB HUB Dotank
With the theme of "Work like you travel," he is working to promote local side jobs, workcation, and sustainable tourism through collaboration between government, companies, and NPOs. He is the business manager of "JOB HUB LOCAL," which matches local companies with side job talent, and "JOB HUB WORKATION," which produces workcations, director of the NPO Support Center, director of the IDEAS FOR GOOD Business Design Lab., and director of the Sustainable Business Hub. He also serves as a public policy expert and committee member, including a sharing economy evangelist for the Cabinet Secretariat, an advisor for regional power creation for the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, and an advisor for tourism and urban development for Tokyo Metropolitan Government.


Haruna Yamaguchi, Workcation Team Leader, Pasona JOB HUB Inc.
He launched a new HR Tech business at a major human resources service company and was in charge of a regional revitalization project that provides recruitment support to local small and medium-sized enterprises. He is currently the manager of the "Work Like a Journey" club, which connects urban and regional areas with new ways of working (workation, multiple jobs, etc.).
To date, he has experience in planning and running over 100 workation and side-job fieldwork projects.
Since 2014, he has also worked multiple jobs at six companies, including as a tourism ambassador for Kesennuma Oshima, giving lectures at high schools and universities, starting a new corporation, and planning and managing international conferences such as the G20 Summit.
Selected as a member of the international social entrepreneur community "Ashoka Youth Venture" in 2014. Advisor to the Japan Tourism Agency's "New Travel Style" Promotion Project.

[Event Organizer]

Ehime Prefecture

Pasona JOB HUB Inc.
Pasona JOBHUB's Social Innovation Department's main businesses are "JOB HUB Local," which creates empathetic matching programs and communities between local companies and side-job talent, and "JOB HUB Workation," a workation initiative that co-creates new business development with the local community.

*Pasona JOB HUB Co., Ltd. has been contracted to provide sales strategy support for Ehime Prefecture's corporate workcation camp.

【Contact Us】
Pasona JOB HUB Inc.

[Regarding the handling of personal information]
Personal information collected through this application form will be used only for the purpose of providing information about this project and for carrying out Ehime Prefecture Corporate Workcation Camp Sales Strategy Support Services.
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[Other important points]
*Please refrain from soliciting business, religion, etc.
Please note that in some cases we may ask you to leave the premises.
*Please note that if any nuisance behavior occurs during the event, you may be asked to leave or the event may be interrupted.

To apply to participate in the event
Thank you from here.

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