A thrilling world starting from Shibuya.


Cafe Seminar #61 - Listen to the career stories of those taking on sustainable challenges
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT


Cafe Seminar #61 - Listen to the career stories of those taking on sustainable challenges

Open seminar at the Nagaoka Laboratory, Faculty of Business Administration, Hosei University

Source: Peatix

The Nagaoka Laboratory of the Hosei University School of Management, which has the theme of "designing creative collaboration," has been working on a project called "Cafe Seminar," which challenges itself to "create a place for creative dialogue" that transcends the boundaries of universities and companies while holding open seminars in the city. Cafe Seminar aims to be an informal place with a free atmosphere, where working adults and students can enjoy dialogue beyond the boundaries of their organizations, while also being a public place that creates encounters and interactions with strangers, by inviting a variety of guest speakers such as social designers, researchers, and artists.
▼ Imagine the future society while listening to career stories

This marks the 61st Cafe Seminar. We believe that all of the guests who have spoken so far are "pioneers" who are embarking on new careers. Rather than living their lives worrying about being "the same as everyone else," these "pioneers" are thriving in the open networks of an open world, seriously thinking about the future of society. People who work in jobs based on values other than economic rationality, people who work for a company while also working for an NPO, people who contribute to society as freelancers without belonging to any organization. They are all people who are walking a path that is different from the norm of previous generations.
By studying the careers of "pioneers" who are not bound by old values and customs, the "society of the future" emerges in new lifestyles and work styles. And even if you are familiar with the term, the image of the "society of the future" that may not resonate with you intuitively or be difficult to accept as something that concerns you personally, will begin to feel closer to you through the career stories of these "pioneers."

▼ Listen to the people who are trying to make electricity from plants

In this cafe seminar, we will be hosting a "Listening to the Career Stories of Sustainable Challengers" event, with Junichi Otsuka of Green Display Co., Ltd. as the storyteller. What do you think of when you hear the word "sustainability" that we hear so often these days? Many people may have the impression that it is "highly conscious" or "a little difficult." However, when you access the blog written by Mr. Otsuka, the following words jump out at you.

Plants heal people, produce oxygen through photosynthesis,
Sometimes they provide us with food,
What if you could receive electricity in return for taking good care of plants?
It will change the way you look at plants.

The system of generating electricity using plant energy is called "botanical light." Recently, we often see expressions like "plant-derived ____" when talking about environmentally friendly products, but could it be that it could be used for electricity as well? The initiative of "plant-based power generation (botanical light)" expands the dream of a sustainable society. At the same time, it is filled with a mysterious charm, and many questions come to mind.

So, what does Otsuka, who is taking on the amazing challenge of "producing electricity from plants," think about his work? We will hear the career story of someone who is taking on the challenge of "producing electricity from plants," touching on the meaning of "sustainable society" to Otsuka, his work style and lifestyle that values being familiar with plants, and his career as a challenger so far and the future... We will also have a serious and fun discussion about the future of a sustainable society and future work styles and lifestyles.
June 27, 2024 (Thursday)
18:10-20:40 (doors open 17:40)
Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 2-21-1
Directly connected to JR Line and Keio INOKASHIRA LINE Line "Shibuya Station" via a 2nd floor walkway
Directly connected to Shibuya Station on Tokyo Metro Co.,Ltd. GINZA LINE on the first floor
Directly connected to Shibuya Station B5 exit TOKYU TOYOKO LINE, Denentoshi Line, Tokyo Metro Co.,Ltd. HANZOMON LINE, and FUKU-TOSHIN LINE
【Entry fee】
Students: 500 yen
Working adults: 1,000 yen
Please pay the participation fee at the reception on the day (cash only).
If you are a working student, please purchase a "Working Student Ticket"
If you have purchased a "Student Ticket", please bring your student ID card.
The participation fee will cover operational costs.
If any surplus occurs, we will donate it to the Japanese Red Cross Society as domestic and overseas relief funds.
50 people
17:40 (Doors open)
18:10-18:40 Opening by Nagaoka
18:40-19:30 Keynote talk by Otsuka-san & Nagaoka
19:30-19:40 (break)
19:40-20:00 Dialogue session by participants
20:00-20:20 Q&A session by Otsuka-san & Nagaoka
20:20-20:40 Wrap-up by Ken Nagaoka

Junichi Otsuka
Green Display Co., Ltd.

Born in 1972. Leader of the Green Display Business Promotion Office. 1st class landscape construction management engineer assistant.
During his university days, he worked with fishermen on conservation activities for the tidal flats of Tokyo Bay. During this time, he was impressed by the "fishermen who conserve mountain ecosystems in order to protect marine ecosystems," and travelled to the UK to join an environmental NGO in search of a place where he could experience forest ecology. This led to him becoming immersed in the unknown world of plants. After returning to Japan, he was surrounded by plants from morning till night, and by chance joined a botanical garden. He is involved in breeding, as well as the planning, construction and operation of botanical gardens both in Japan and overseas. While also working on developing functional paints for greenhouses and digging wells, as the garden director he conveys to visitors the wonder of plants and the fascinating ecosystems.
With a growing desire to share the charm of plants with more people in more places, he left the botanical garden and joined Green Display Co., Ltd. He is currently involved in projects such as the "Ochanoki Project," which connects Japan's rural areas and cities with new values, with a focus on the theme of sociality and plants, and the development of "Botanical Light," which makes people want to love plants.
[Sponsored by]
Hosei University Faculty of Business Administration Nagaoka Laboratory (MELC)

Shibuya Hikarie 8 / COURT
[For people with disabilities and those wishing to bring children]
We will respond to your inquiry individually. Please contact us by "Inquiry Email".
Soft drinks will be provided at the cafe seminar, but we ask that you bring your own cups to help us keep waste to a minimum.
Cafe seminars are held as part of regular seminar activities, and are not "events planned for the purpose of inviting customers." They are, after all, "events to explore the possibilities of new learning environments" by holding university seminars in an open format.
The Nagaoka Seminar is using the hashtag "#melc2023" to share the insights gained from their regular activities on X (formerly Twitter). Please tweet along with us.

To apply to participate in the event
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